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  • Homeowner’s Guide to Sewer Line Replacement

    Looking for facts and tips about sewer line replacement in Midtown Atlanta? Here’s where to start.

    Wouldn’t it be nice to have a homeowner’s guide to sewer line replacement in Midtown Atlanta? When you are in the middle of a mess, it can be difficult to know what to do next to get things back to normal. Having some professional guidance can make all the difference, and we are glad to help with this quick guide.

    Have you seen the commercial with the dad preparing for his little girl’s birthday party? They’re in his backyard and it suddenly has to be canceled because of a sewer backup? That’s not fiction. That has actually happened many times to many people.

    Sewer backups, clogs, and collapses rank up there as some of the most unpleasant home disasters/mishaps one can encounter. The thing is that often homeowners can avoid these major disasters through early detection and the right professional plumbing services

    If you are reading this guide, you are ahead of the sewer line replacement game, and you’re trying to find out the steps involved in replacing a sewer line in Atlanta. The following steps can help you get started and ensure you’re well on your way towards avoiding an expensive, unpleasant mess.

    How Does a Sewer Line End Up Damaged?

    There are several things that can cause sewer line damage requiring repair or replacement, including:

    Fragile or Damaged Pipes

    Sewer Line Replacement in Midtown Atlanta

    Putting the Wrong Stuff Down the Toilet (or Down the Drain)

    Although most homeowners know it’s a sin to flush items down a toilet except for toilet paper and human waste, sewer line backups reveal all sorts of different items that have gone down the toilet system, including sanitary pad, paper towels, cotton balls, and other items that shouldn’t be flushed for any reason. Oil and grease in kitchen drains are some of the worst substances to happen to sewer pipes, and no, using hot water doesn’t help since the grease will only congeal and harden, lining the inside of your sewer pipes. Yep, it’s as gross as it sounds!

    Tree Roots Disturb Underground Pipes

    Trees are living creatures, always in search of nourishment and water. As they grow, their roots hunt down water sources, often reaching into older, porous and more fragile sewer pipes. When the roots get larger, the pipes can even burst.

    Sagging Sewer Lines

    Sometimes the issue is that a sewer line has started to sag. This usually happens when a section of the pipe has sunk into the ground and bellied. This is typically caused by disruptive ground or soil conditions. The part of the line that’s the most sunken in will start to collect water and debris, causing backups and blockages.

    Signs Your Sewer Line May Need Emergency Services?

    Stopping a sewer line disaster before it happens is key to avoiding property damage and even costlier repairs. Being able to repair or replace your sewer line before you are in the emergency zone can save you from a worst case scenario down the road.

    Here are the signs you need professional help for sewer line replacement ASAP:

    1. If you have more than one drain backing up in your house, you’re probably looking at a sewer line clog. One plumbing fixture backing usually means a clog in the pipe servicing that unit. Multiple plumbing fixtures backing up reflects a deeper issue in your home’s core plumbing system.
    2. If your plumbing fixtures seem to have come to life, you’re probably dealing with a sewer line issue. “Signs of life” could include toilets with water that’s suddenly bubbling or water that gurgles out of a sink or tub drain when the toilet is flushed.
    3. A soaked patch of grass on your lawn could mean that there’s a broken sewer line underneath your lawn. You may also see an indentation in your lawn. This could signal a break in the sewer line.
    4. If you have a drain that keeps backing up on one of the lower levels of your home, you may have a compromised sewer line underneath. It may be tempting to use drain cleaner, but do not put it in if it’s a drain that is constantly backing up. You could be doing more damage than good. Reach out to your local plumber instead to handle clogs in a safe way.

    Sewer Line Replacement in Midtown Atlanta

    Options for Repairing or Replacing a Sewer Line

    Only professional plumbing companies should repair or replace a sewer line. They have the tools and expertise necessary to handle such a complex task. An expert plumber will send a sewer camera down into the sewer pipe so that he or she can get an up-close look at what’s going on inside the pipes. Experts know to position the camera from your house out to the street’s sewer main.

    Once the plumber has a complete view of the problem, he can provide a proper diagnosis and walk the homeowner through the issue and the next steps necessary to solve the problem. The expert will either recommend a plan for repair or replacement.

    For heavily damaged pipes, the recommendation will be to dig up the yard and remove the pipe to replace it, put in a new pipe using pipe bursting, or add a new liner into the old pipe.

    Let’s take a closer look at the most common options for sewer line repair or replacement in Atlanta:

    Option #1: Old-School “Trenching and Replacing” Sewer Line Replacement

    You’re probably most familiar with the old-school style of sewer line replacement or repair that involves a giant backhoe and mounds of soil in your yard. The good thing about using this method is that the plumbing company is able to get right to the root of the problem since the whole sewer line will be exposed. This method is very intrusive, but due to the nature of sewer line damage, it’s often the only viable method of repairing or replacing a damaged sewer line.


    Option #2: Pipe Bursting

    One popular method of sewer line repair is pipe bursting. This means the plumber will insert tiny access holes into the pipe on either end of the damaged section. He or she will then pull a new pipe through the holes into the existing pipe. Once this happens, the old pipe will break and the new pipe will be in place.

    This method is a favorite of plumbers and homeowners alike because it causes the least amount of damage to your yard. The problem is that some districts don’t allow people to replace or repair lines in this way because the process could damage existing utilities that are located underground, causing even more damage.

    Contact your local municipality to find out if this type of sewer line repair is allowed in your area.

    Sewer Line Replacement in Midtown Atlanta

    Option #3: Installing a New Liner

    You may be able to simply install a new liner into an existing pipe if the existing sewer pipe is in decent condition structurally. Before you perform the installation, the plumber will clean the pipe and get a clear picture of what’s going on inside via video camera. The plumber will then dig a hole at the end of the pipe, measure the space for the new liner, and insert the new liner via air pressure. He will then insert a balloon into the new liner, so it expands and fits securely against the pipe. The balloon stays in place until the new liner is securely in place.

    Staying on top of sewer issues while they’re relatively minor will help keep the most significant and costly issues at bay. If a sewer line replacement is necessary, make sure you choose a professional, licensed, insured plumbing company like Morningside Plumbing.

    Our team of expert plumbers is ready to solve your most frustrating plumbing issues and knows exactly what it takes to provide reliable sewer line replacement in Midtown Atlanta. Connect with us online now or call 404.873.1881 to schedule an appointment today.