Join us at Mingle in Midtown and make finding a 24 hour plumber in Atlanta easy, fun, and delicious.
That 24 Hour Plumber in Atlanta Will Be Right Over
It Was a Dark and Stormy Night when Suddenly, a Knock Came at the Door…
Looking up a random number on your smartphone, in the middle of the night, then inviting the disembodied voice on the other end of the line to come over to your house…it sounds a little like the beginning of a bad horror movie, right? You’ve never met this person, but in a short period of time they’ll be knocking on your door, and then invited inside your house. And they’ll most likely be carrying a giant tool box. Eek!
Now, don’t get me wrong. There are many reputable companies out there, and 99.999% of the time, you are completely safe. But wouldn’t it be better, and easier, to call someone you’ve already met? Someone with a stellar, five star industry reputation? Someone who has an appreciation for wine, small bites and the occasional knock-knock joke? Or heck, just someone whose face you already know and has a familiar handshake?
Midtown Atlanta Plumbers Mix and Mingle
Local Pros + Free Small Bites + Delicious Wine = Mingle in Midtown
If that’s the case, then come meet the professionals of Morningside Plumbing, in person. We’ll be attending Atlanta’s Mingle in Midtown, put on by the Midtown Neighbors Association. The Midtown Neighbors Association is a non-profit, run entirely by volunteers. Their sole goal is making Midtown a better place for its residents to call home. And they clearly understand the important role wine and food plays in breaking the ice and introducing people to one another.
Sound interesting? Here’s all the important details you’ll need to mark on your calendar!
Meet Your New Atlanta Plumber
The event will be held at Max’s Wine Dive on Wednesday, September 16th. It kicks off at 6:30pm and runs for about two hours…or until they kick us out. You’ll get complimentary appetizers and a $5 drink special, plus you’ll get to meet us, and other members of the community. It’s a great way to connect with local small businesses, and build up your network of professional home service providers. Every homeowner needs a rolodex of people they can call when things go wrong, so start (or add to) yours this Wednesday!
If you can’t make it, don’t worry. The pros here at Morningside Plumbing are still the ones to call on in the middle of the night. We are licensed, bonded, insured, and background checked. PLUS, we have over 75 years of combined experience. We even invite you to get to know us by stopping by our offices to say “Hi!” and introduce yourself. And we also love homemade cookies. (Just throwing it out there.)
We can handle whatever you and your house decide to throw at us, and we’re on call all day, every day. Whether it’s a simple repair or full replacement, we’ll get you back up and running in no time. So the next time you’re looking for a 24 hour plumber in Atlanta, give our friendly service pros a call at 404-873-1881, or click this link now to contact us online.